1. |
Peter Abbamonte, University of Illinois, USA “Observation of Pines’ demon in Sr2RuO4 with momentum-resolved EELS”
2. |
Elsa Abreu, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
"Conductivity dynamics in THz driven spin-ladders" |
3. |
Martin Aeschlimann, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany
"Ultrafast dynamics of hot charge carriers in energy and momentum space" |
4. |
Andrey Akimov, Nottingham University, UK
"Hybrid phonons in the structures with van der Waals nanolayers" |
5. |
Nadia Antoniadis, Universität Basel, Switzerland
"Observation of giant nonlinearities and photon bound-states using a single artificial atom" |
6. |
Mete Atatüre, University of Cambridge, UK
"Spin-photon quantum interfaces and their applications" |
7. |
Ed Barnes, Virginia, Tech, USA
"Entangled photon factories and multinuclear gates for quantum networks and computing"
8. |
Marco Battiato, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
"Emergence in out of equilibrium systems: theoretical treatment of complex out-of-equilibrium dynamics and the ensuing phenomena" |
9. |
Michael Bauer, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
"Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics and carrier-phonon interaction in 2D quantum materials" |
10. |
Nadia Belabas, Université Paris-Saclay, France
"Quantumness in a tight space" |
11. |
Siham Benhabib/Evangelos Papalazarou, Université Paris-Saclay, France
"Probing the pseudospin texture of Dirac states using circular dichroism in photoemission" |
12. |
Jens Biegert, ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
"Energy conversion pathways and multi-body physics revealed by attosecond soft x-ray core-level spectroscopy". |
13. |
Rolf Binder, The University of Arizona, USA
, "The polaritonic Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer state".. |
14. |
Fabio Boschini, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada
"Advances in time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with high-intensity mid-IR excitation at ALLS" |
15. |
Sangam Chatterjee, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Germany
"Ultrafast dynamics and applications of type II semiconductor heterostructures" |
16. | Iannis Chatzakis, Texas Tech University, USA, "Ultrafast hot-carrier cooling in quasi-free-standing bilayer graphene with hydrogen intercalated atoms" |
17. | Ebert Chia, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore "Controlling THz emission in topological materials" |
18. | Giacomo Coslovich, SLAC-Stanford University, USA “Light-enhanced charge density wave coherence in a high-temperature superconductor” |
19. | Carl Davies, Radboud Universiteit, the Netherlands "Ultrafast magnetization reversal driven by circularly-polarized optical phonons" |
20. | Jeffrey Davis, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia "Effects of Floquet Engineering on the Coherent Exciton Dynamics in Monolayer WS2" |
21. | Mark Dean, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA "Ultrafast dynamics from the perspective of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering" |
22. | Jure Demsar, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany "Non-equilibrium superconductivity in THz driven two-band superconductor MgB2" |
23. | Sukhdeep Dhillon, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, France "Ultrafast properties of THz lasers in THz spintronics" |
24. | Scott Diddams, University of Colorado, USA “Few-cycle pulses for optical frequency comb spectroscopy from the ultraviolet to mid-infrared” |
25. | Hermann Durr, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden "Ultrafast spin dynamics in antiferromagnets" |
26. | Hubert Ebert, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany "Theoretical investigations on ultra-fast demagnetization using ab-initio and simulation methods" |
27. | Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, ICREA, Spain "Ultrafast optical parametric oscillators spanning the ultraviolet to mid-infrared" |
28. | Martin Eckstein, Universität Hamburg, Germany “Theory of ultrafast disordering in photo-induced phase transitions” |
29. | Stefan Eisebitt, Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, Germany "State of the art in soft x-ray lab sources: probing magnetization dynamics with atomic selectivity in the femto- to picosecond range" |
30. | Sebastian Fava, Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Germany "Search for the ultrafast Meissner effect in driven YBa2Cu3O6.48" |
31. | Herbert Fotso, University at Buffalo SUNY, USA, "Tracking the thermalization of an interacting disordered system under an interaction quench" |
32. | Rafail Frantzeskakis, University of Crete, Greece "Time-crystalline behavior in central spin models with Heisenberg interactions" |
33. | Jim Freericks, Georgetown University, USA "Theoretically describing pump-probe experiments in electron-phonon coupled systems out to ps time scales" |
34.. | Josef Freudenstein, Universität Regensburg, Germany "Attosecond chronoscopy of many-body correlations in quantum materials" |
35. | Nuh Gedik, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT, USA "Time, energy and momentum resolved probing of charge order dynamics in a Kagome metal" |
36. | Matthias Geilhufe Stockholm Universitet, Sweden "Transient magnetism and entropy production" |
37. | Romain Geneaux, Université Paris-Saclay, France “Direct observation of few-femtosecond spin currents across metallic layers” |
38. | Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Politechnico Milano, Italy “First results of high-resolution pp-RIXS on correlated materials from the European XFEL” |
39. | Isabella Gierz, Universität Regensburg, Germany "Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics and band structures of 2D materials" |
40. | Alexander Gray, Temple University, USA "Atomic-level design and ultrafast THz E-field control of the emergent ferromagnetism at oxide interfaces" |
41. | Uwe Griebner, Max-Born-Insitut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie im Forschungsverbund, Germany "Generation of few-cycle pulses beyond 10 µm wavelength with 70 µJ energy at 1 kHz repetition rate". |
42. | Kenan Gudogdu, North Carolina State University,USA "Hidden order and high temperature superfluorescence in lead-halide perovskites" |
43. | David Hagan, University of Central Florida, USA “Multi-photon absorption in direct-gap and indirect-gap semiconductors". |
44. | Zahid Hasan, Princeton University, USA “Ultrafast studies of novel topological quantum matter” |
45. | Ulrich Höfer, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany "Birth, rise and collapse of Floquet-Bloch bands on subcycle time scale" |
46. | Philip Hofmann, Aarhus University, Denmark “Line shapes in ultrafast XPS" |
47. | Niklas Hofmann, Universität Regensburg, Germany " k-dependent band gap renormalization in a WS2-graphene heterostructure." |
48. | Mark Hogg, Universität Basel, Switzerland "Cavity-enhanced single-shot readout of a quantum dot spin state on nanosecond timescales" |
49. | Michael Horn von Hoegen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany "Nonthermal melting of a charge density wave in atomic wires at the quantum limit" |
50. | Wanzheng Hu, Boston University, USA "Transient gap generation in iron-based superconductors driven by coherent lattice vibrations" |
51. | Anton Husakou, Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie im Forschungsverbund, Germany "Linking high-harmonic generation and strong-field ionization in bulk crystals" |
52. | Amiel Ishaaya, Ben Gurion University of Negev, Israel "Highly Efficient First Stokes Generation in Gas-filled Hollow-core Photonic Bandgap Fibers" |
53. | Shinichiro Iwai, Tohoku University, Japan "Ultrafast coherent dynamics in strongly correlated conductors and superconductors" |
54. | Steven Johnson, ETH Zürich, Switzerland "Ultrafast dynamics and control of structure in charge-density-waves“ |
55. | Long Ju, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT, USA "Infrared spectrosocpy of 2D moire superlattice materials" |
56. | Dominik Juraschek, Tel Aviv University, Israel "Magnetic resonances of chiral phonons" |
57. | Nicholas Karpowicz, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany "Field-resolved metrology for attosecond-scale carrier dynamics” |
58. | Guru Khalsa, Cornell University, USA “New strategies for ultrafast structural control in the mid- and far-infrared" |
59. | Tobias Kippenberg/Alexey Tikan, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland “Ultra low loss Silicon nitride integrated photonics: from chipscale combs, traveling wave parametric and Erbium amplifiers to frequency agile low noise lasers” |
60. | Sota Kitamura, The University of Tokyo, Japan "Floquet topological superconductivity induced by chiral many-body interaction" |
61. | Junichiro Kono, Rice University, USA "Spectroscopy of vacuum-driven materials" |
62. | Roopali Kukreja, University of California, USA "Unraveling optically induced ultrafast distortions of magnetic textures using fs x-rays" |
63. | Pierrick Lample/Stephane Guizard, , Université Paris-Saclay, France “Time resolved studies of ultrafast dynamics in wide band-gap materials” |
64. | Eric Landahl, DePaul University, USA "Ultrafast dynamics in semiconductors across the Brillouin zone measured by time-resolved diffuse scattering" |
65. | Yannis Laplace, Ecole Polytechnique, France "Tunable THz surface plasmon cavities in the deep plasmonic regime" |
66. | Albert Liu, Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Germany "Distilling the nonlinearity of a cuprate superconductor using 2-D terahertz spectroscopy" |
67. | Wolfgang Löffler, Leiden Universiteit, The Netherlands "Synthesis of artificial states of light from true single photons" |
68. | Dirk Manske, Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Germany "How to activate and detect the Higgs mode in superconductors" |
69. | Samira Mansourzadeh/Clara Saraceno , Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, "From high-power THz sources to fast nonlinear THz spectroscopy" |
70. | Masakazu Matsubara, Tohoku University, Japan "Spin-driven optical nonlinearities for detection and generation of spin currents" |
71. | Johan Mentink, Radboud Universiteit "Challenging space-time-energy limits of magnetism by harnessing fluctuations" |
72. | Matteo Michiardi, University of British Columbia, Canada "Optical manipulation of Rashba-split 2-dimensional electron gas" |
73. | Dragan Mihailovic, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia "Space-time texture of topologically trapped states in a doped Wigner crystal" |
74. | Rostislav Mikhaylovskiy, Lancaster University, UK “Light-induced nonlinear spin dynamics in iron oxides” |
75. | Sergey Mirov, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA "Ultrafast lasers based on transition metal doped chalcogenides" |
76. | Matteo Mitrano, Harvard University, USA "Ultrafast x-ray spectroscopy of light-driven quantum materials" |
77. | Claude Monney, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland "Transient enhancement of the ferroelectricity in the Rashba semiconductor α-GeTe” |
78. | Joshua Mornhinweg, Universität Regensburg, Germany "Multi-mode-mixing deep-strong light- matter interaction" |
79. | Andrey Moskalenko, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology-KAIST, Korea "Subcycle dynamics of quantum light" |
80. | Sandra Mosquera, Coherent, France, USA "Status and perspective of commercial off-the shelf USP laser amplifiers and their component" |
81. | Yuta Murotani, The University of Tokyo, Japan "Ultrafast spectroscopy of optical and electrical properties of Dirac semimetal driven by periodic light field". |
82. | Nathalie Nagl, Pulsed GmbH und Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Germany "Albatross – a single-cycle infrared light source with unique waveform stability" |
83. | Keith Nelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT, USA New experimental methods for driving and monitoring quantum material transformations" |
84. | Gal Orenstein, SLAC-Stanford University, USA “Sub-diffusive topological defects of a charge density wave probed by an x-ray laser” |
85. | Marcus Ossiander, Technische Universität Graz, Austria "Extreme ultraviolet metaoptics" |
86. | Lazaro Padilha, Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin"-Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil "Using heterostructure engineering to tailor two-photon absorption in Nanomaterials" |
87. | Evangelos Pappaioannu, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, "Spin and charge current dynamics in spintronic THz emitters" |
88. | Vivek Pareek, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan "Imaging the constituent electrons and holes of interlayer excitons in semiconductor heterostructure" |
89. | Giacomo Passetti/Dante Kennes, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule-RTWH Aachen Universität, Germany "Quantum Floquet engineering with an exactly solvable tight-binding chain in a cavity" |
90. | Ernest Pastor/Alana Johnson, Universitat Jaume I, Spain "Probing ultrafast disorder in photo-induced phase transitions" |
91. | Ilias Perakis, FORTH, Greece & University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA "Imaging of light-controlled superconductivity using THz multi-dimensional coherent spectroscopy" |
92. | Luca Perfetti, Ecole Polytechnique, France "Theoretical and experimental results in ultrafast dynamics and ultrafast bandgap photonics" |
93. | Ilie-Elian Radu, European X-ray Free-Electron Laser, Germany, ”Terahertz lightwave-driven control of magnetism" |
94. | Theo Rasing, Radboud Universiteit, The Netherlands "All optical control of magnetism for energy efficient and brain inspired computing" |
95. | David Reis, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA "Towards imaging optically induced charge density with atomic resolution" |
96. | Dmitry Reznik, University of Colorado Boulder, USA "Time-resolved Raman scattering as a window into ultrafast dynamics of quantum materials" |
97. | Michael Alexander Rübhausen, Universität Hamburg, Germany, "Optically induced avoided crossing in Graphene studied by MIR pump/Raman probe spectroscopy“ |
98. | Charlotte Sanders, UK Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK “Time-resolved photoelectron diffraction: mapping atomic motion in Bi2Se3 phonon oscillations" |
99. | Pavlos Savvidis, Westlake University, China “Polariton condensate lattices: A novel quantum simulator platform” |
100. | Alexey Scherbakov, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany "Giant photoelasticity of polaritons for detecting coherent phonons with quantum sensitivity" |
101. | Heinrich Schwoerer, Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Germany, and Stellenbosch Universiteit, South Africa “Structural dynamics during singlet exciton fission in pentacene single crystals” |
102. | Ryo Shimano, The University of Tokyo, Japan "On the origin of coherent c-axis charge carrier responses in photoexcited cuprate superconductors" |
103. | Khalid Siddique, Aarhus University, Denmark "Surface melting of orbital order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4“ |
104. | Andrej Singer, Cornell University, USA "Photoinduced phase transformations in a nano-textured Mott insulator" |
105. | Irina Sorokina, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet-NTNU, Norway "En route to next generation high energy high repetition rate ultrafast laser sources in the mid-IR" |
106. | Donna Strickland (Nobel Prize laureate) The University of Waterloo, Canada USPL |
107. | Antoinette Taylor, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA “Ultrafast dynamics in quantum materials” |
108. | Samuel Teitlebaum, Arizona State University, USA “Mesoscale structure in nonenquibrium charge density wave systems visualized with X-ray free electron lasers" |
109. | Takami Tohayama, Tokyo University of Science, Japan "In-gap spectral weight of the optical conductivity induced by a strong subcycle pulse in low-dimensional Mott insulators" |
110. | Rick Trebino, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA "Measuring everything You’ve always wanted to know about a laser pulse" |
111. | George Tsibidis, University of Crete and FORTH Foundation, Greece "Ionization dynamics and damage conditions in fused silica irradiated with Mid-Infrared femtosecond pulses" |
112. | Mattia Udina, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy “Light-induced collective excitations: from phonons to electronic modes” |
113. | Paul van Loosdrecht, Die Universität zu Köln, Germany “Deterministic generation of quantum states of light using single and coupled QDs” |
114. | Viviana Villafane/Jon Finley, Technische Universität München, Germany "Ultrafast dynamics in 2D TMDCs" |
115. | Konstantin Vodopyanov, University of Central Florida, USA “High-precision high-resolution spectroscopy with frequency combs: from mid-infrared to terahertz" |
116. | Alexander von Hoegen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MIT, USA "Light induced metastable magnetization in a 2D antiferromagnet." |
117. | Eryin Wang, Max-Planck-Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie, Germany "Probing photo-induced superconductivity on a chip" |
118. | Jigang Wang, Ames Nation Laboratory & Iowa State University, USA "Ultrafast bandgap control by geometric motive force at topological instability" |
119. | Nanlin Wang, Peking University, China "Nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy study on the interplay between superconductivity and pseudogap in cuprate superconductor" |
120. | Yao Wang, Clemson University, USA "Controlling magnetic excitations and entanglement using ultrafast laser" |
121. | Martin Weinelt, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany "Ultrafast spin excitations in 3d and 4f metals" |
122. | Wolf Widdra, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany “Ultrafast electron and spin dynamics in NiO upon above bandgap excitation” |
123. | Martin Wolf, Fritz-Haber-Institut Max Plank Gesellschaft, Germany "Ultrafast dynamics probed by time-resolved and local spectroscopy at the nanoscale“ |
124. | Kazuhiro Yabana, University of Tsukuba, Japan "Propagation of extreme pulsed light: First-principles computational study" |
125. | Katsumasa Yoshioka, NTT, Japan "Ultrafast intrinsic optical-to-electrical conversion dynamics in graphene investigated using on-chip THz spectroscopy" |